Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday Ponderings

This week is really flying by.  I originally titled this Tuesday Ponderings, and then realized it was Wednesday -- whoa!!!!

On the nature front, the baby robins have flown the nest.  Of course they left without saying goodbye and on a cold rainy day to boot.  I think they are still close to the blue cottage since the parents are still hanging around and acting fussy.  Sure hope the babies are all safe, warm and dry.  Once the rain stops, perhaps I'll go out and take a photo of the empty nest since I blew the chance to photograph the babies.  Got to remember to take the camera on the dog walks.  If nothing else I can amuse you with pug butt photos.

Mom is still in lots of pain.  It is going to be a long recovery I'm afraid.   It is startling how much injury occurs in a simple fall when you are 72.  Guess we are just lucky she didn't break a hip.

The knitting is slowly returning to normal.  I am still working on the top up sock -- Glacial something or other -- and it is coming along nicely.  Perhaps there will be photos tomorrow. 

Well, I'm pondered out.  Happy Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning K!
    Signs of Spring are always fun! We finally got some good rain last night. It was fun to listen to it and Emmitt snoring on his little bed.
    I cannot believe it is Thursday already!
    Have a great day!
