Friday, July 10, 2009

Good Thing it is Friday

Some mornings just start out bad and make you nervous about the rest of the day. Today is one of those days.
Do you see that sweet, little white honorary pug? Well, Princess Popperina was a naughty naughty girl this morning. At 5 a.m. the pack decided that they had enough sleeping and needed a potty break. Ever the loving momma, I drug my sleepy self out of the bed and took them out for some taking care of business action. Well, Ms. Poppy was, apparently, having some intestinal disturbances that resulted in a bit of loose poop. Sigh. While I was heading over to clean up her deposit, SHE ROLLED IN IT!!!! Aughhhhhhh! So at 5:20 this morning I was giving a poopy Poppy a bath. Good thing I love her. I am thinking that this was not the way I would have chosen to start the day. Sure hope the rest of the day goes cleaner.

On a happier and greener note, I picked up my CSA share last night. I love, love love City Fresh. Last night's harvest was cabbage, kale, beets, red raspberries, onions, zucchini, and yellow squash. Yum, yum, yum! There is nothing better than fresh from the farm produce.

On the knitting front, I'm still working on the Spring Forward socks in Malabrigo and plain old socks in Sock Pixie's cashmerino. I have 3 other socks that need mates -- apparently I got distracted, hehehehe. I'm also working on my Imogen, but miles of stockinette stitch is best reserved for a great tv/movie watching to keep the mind from going mad.

Well, I need more coffee and to start getting ready for work. Have a fabulous Friday all.

1 comment:

  1. hi k!
    oooo! that is a poopy way to start the day. :)
    well, you know it only gets better after that. heeee
    your csa and socks sound like so much fun!
