In all my pug gushing, it occurred to me that I failed to pay proper due to Her Royal Highness Princess Popperina Bossy Pants aka Poppy. She is the matriarch of our posse and does her best to keep the pugs in line. It is a tough job but she is very very good at taking care of business. This is a rare photo since she is usually curled up in my arms which is why you rarely see her in photos. The pugs believe she is a pug and she allows them this folly. She is a champ.
Since blogger has deemed my photos uploadable, here is the finished Show your Colors Shawl in Claudia Handpaints John B Colorway. I used 4 skeins and still the shawl seems a bit dainty to me. I am not dainty -- do you see a problem?
Yes, I am doing a completely shitty job of blocking, but I don't mind. I am, in fact, a process knitter and the finished products are not what I enjoy about the craft. Don't get me wrong, sweaters, socks, etc. are lovely and I appreciate them, but my joy comes from the process. By the time I'm at the blocking stage I've mentally left the project and wandered off to knit something else. My bad ;-)
So I started Anne Hanson's Alhambra -- Have I mentioned how much I love love love Anne's designs. Look at this -- yum, yum, yum. Yes, ahem, it will requiring blocking when finished. But let's not dwell on that just now. Now we must frolic in the joy that is this fun and lovely pattern. The yarn is Blue Moon Fibers Raven Series.
The flash washed out the color, trust me it is lovely.
Well, I'm off to battle the laundry. Have a wonderful weekend, hug your puppies and hope your knitting is to gauge.