At the last minute, I requested the remainder of this week as vacation and thus, spent portions of today battling the weeds which have taken over my "flower beds." When I first bought the blue cottage I had fantasies of a cottage garden with flowers everywhere and singing birds and just a small plot of green, flowery loveliness. But then life smacked me in the head with certain realities: 1. I am not 16; 2. my body does not like to garden; 3. my knees really hate gardening; 4. bugs bite me when I garden -- I hate being bitten by bugs; 5. there are more weeds than there is time to whack them into oblivion or even momentary submission; 6. no matter how much yanking, clipping, digging, stomping, swearing you do, there will always be weeds you missed -- big honking 10 foot weeds that you'd have to be blind to miss, but yet, you missed. Sigh!
The day spent hunting the wild weed was not fulfilling. Yes, I filled a yard bag with yard waste. Yes, I lots of little itchy bites where little nasty itchy bite creating bugs bit me -- I am really bitter about that. Yes, I have mud on the knees of my jeans, dirt under my nails and mangled cuticles. No, I am not happy about any of those things.

To break this incredible funk, I tossed the gardening stuf back in the garage, stomped in the house and spent some quality time with Mad Madam Mim -- my spinning wheel. Isn't she beautiful? I love her. She made me very happy.
Then I started thinking -- aren't these guys way cuter than flowers? And they produce fiber. Trader Joes sells cut flowers pretty cheap. I could plop some of those cut flowers in a vase and get my flower fix and then I could fill my yard with these!
Now that is a lot of cuteness in small packages and they produce FIBER -- yes, I know I already said that, but . . . fiber - spinning wheel - knitting - happy Kimberton. See, it works. The neighbors might be confused but I'll just claim they are "designer dogs" -- hehehehe. This little fantasy should help me get through the next few days as I attempt to clean my house. Housework is just indoor gardening. Yuck!
On a happier note, I finished the
Show your colors shawl. It is blocking and should be adorning my shoulders just about the time the weather decides to hit 90 with 100% humidity. My, I'm a snark tonight -- blame it on the weeds, I am.
I'll put a photo up tomorrow night. Right now Blogger doesn't want to upload my photos -- bugger. Happy Wednesday!