Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thursday's Random Ramblings into Friday

In all my pug gushing, it occurred to me that I failed to pay proper due to Her Royal Highness Princess Popperina Bossy Pants aka Poppy.  She is the matriarch of our posse and does her best to keep the pugs in line.  It is a tough job but she is very very good at taking care of business.  This is a rare photo since she is usually curled up in my arms which is why you rarely see her in photos.  The pugs believe she is a pug and she allows them this folly.  She is a champ.

Since blogger has deemed my photos uploadable, here is the finished Show your Colors Shawl in Claudia Handpaints John B Colorway.  I used 4 skeins and still the shawl seems a bit dainty to me.  I am not dainty -- do you see a problem?

Yes, I am doing a completely shitty job of blocking, but I don't mind.  I am, in fact, a process knitter and the finished products are not what I enjoy about the craft.  Don't get me wrong, sweaters, socks, etc. are lovely and I appreciate them, but my joy comes from the process.  By the time I'm at the blocking stage I've mentally left the project and wandered off to knit something else.  My bad ;-)  

So I started Anne Hanson's Alhambra -- Have I mentioned how much I love love love  Anne's designs.  Look at this -- yum, yum, yum.  Yes, ahem, it will requiring blocking when finished.  But let's not dwell on that just now.  Now we must frolic in the joy that is this fun and lovely pattern.  The yarn is Blue Moon Fibers Raven Series.

The flash washed out the color, trust me it is lovely. 

Well, I'm off to battle the laundry.  Have a wonderful weekend, hug your puppies and hope your knitting is to gauge.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Weed Warrior

At the last minute, I requested the remainder of this week as vacation and thus, spent portions of today battling the weeds which have taken over my "flower beds."  When I first bought the blue cottage I had fantasies of a cottage garden with flowers everywhere and singing birds and just a small plot of green, flowery loveliness.  But then life smacked me in the head with certain realities:  1.  I am not 16; 2.  my body does not like to garden; 3. my knees really hate gardening; 4. bugs bite me when I garden -- I hate being bitten by bugs; 5. there are more weeds than there is time to whack them into oblivion or even momentary submission; 6.  no matter how much yanking, clipping, digging, stomping, swearing you do, there will always be weeds you missed -- big honking 10 foot weeds that you'd have to be blind to miss, but yet, you missed.  Sigh!

The day spent hunting the wild weed was not fulfilling.  Yes, I filled a yard bag with yard waste.  Yes, I lots of little itchy bites where little nasty itchy bite creating bugs bit me -- I am really bitter about that.  Yes, I have mud on the knees of my jeans, dirt under my nails and mangled cuticles.  No, I am not happy about any of those things.

To break this incredible funk, I tossed the gardening stuf back in the garage, stomped in the house and spent some quality time with Mad Madam Mim -- my spinning wheel.  Isn't she beautiful?  I love her.  She made me very happy.  

Then I started thinking -- aren't these guys way cuter than flowers?  And they produce fiber.  Trader Joes sells cut flowers pretty cheap.  I could plop some of those cut flowers in a vase and get my flower fix and then I could fill my yard with these!

Now that is a lot of cuteness in small packages and they produce FIBER -- yes, I know I already said that, but  . . . fiber - spinning wheel - knitting -  happy Kimberton.  See, it works.  The neighbors might be confused but I'll just claim they are "designer dogs" -- hehehehe.   This little fantasy should help me get through the next few days as I attempt to clean my house.  Housework is just indoor gardening.  Yuck!

On a happier note, I finished the Show your colors shawl.  It is blocking and should be adorning my shoulders just about the time the weather decides to hit 90 with 100% humidity.  My, I'm a snark tonight -- blame it on the weeds, I am. 

I'll put a photo up tomorrow night.  Right now Blogger doesn't want to upload my photos -- bugger.  Happy Wednesday!


Monday, May 26, 2008

Yarn Madness

Well, after a glorious day at the Great Lakes Fiber Show, my stash has been enhanced, my credit cards and bank accounts are smoking from the action and I am an exhausted and happy fiber addict.  First, I bought a hitchhiker spinning wheel and met a glorious spinner (Hi, Susan) who really took me under her wing while I made the decision to make the spinning leap.  Pictures will be forthcoming.  I got to meet ANNE HANSON and CHRIS  of Briar Rose Fibers --OMG!!!  Rock stars of knitting.  Of course I made an absolute ass out of myself gushing and drooling and having them sign my yarn bag -- yep, I did!  And you know what, I would do it all over again.  What a thrill to meet such talented and wonderful folks.  I love fiber people -- they are the nicest folks EVER!

There was lots of roving (and yes, I HAD to get roving -- I have a spinning wheel).  There  were sheep and alpacas and border collies and fiber folks and it was just the best day ever.  My buddies Madeline and Joyce were with me -- total enablers, trust me.  Honestly, if I didn't have to work on Sunday, I would have gone back to the festival.  It is better that I didn't.  Who knows where I would have found the funding for day 2.  hehehehe.

On the pug front, the boys are fascinated by the spinning wheel and so, of course, I have to place it out of sniff/chew reach when not in use.  That was one of the deciding factors on the hitchhiker -- small and easily portable.  The top of the TV is a good spot -- I get to gaze lovingly at the wheel and they can't get to it.  (Says a lot about my decorating style - no?)  The weather has been perfect for pugs -- not too hot, not too cold and they have been getting lots of attention on their walks.   Yesterday a woman saw us as she and her husband were driving by.  She made him pull over so she could jump out of the car and get some pug love.  The boys now expect everyone to shower them with hugs and kisses and are deeply offended when folks walk by without paying homage.  

For those of you worried about my school work -- I did get all my homework in on time, but it severely cut into my spinning time.  Today I must do a bit of housework -- yuck -- but I plan to spend some quality time with my new wheel.  I'll keep you posted.  Happy Monday!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

My Bad

Oh my, I have fallen under the seductive spell of yarny goodness once again.  Really, I was just sitting here reading  my favorite blogs when I fell off the yarn diet wagon -- again!  Knitspot is the home of the most amazingly beautiful lace patterns ever created.  In addition, the designer, Anne Hanson, writes patterns that are clean and fun and fabulous.  So there I was, drooling over her new May patterns and the yarn she used and BAM -- I was at this site -- Woolen Rabbit -- clicking away, tossing lace weight yarn into my cart with wild abandon and CHECKING OUT!!!  Sigh!  See, I like to fantasy shop online so I go to sites and shop as if I were a bazillionaire but I don't check out.  It amuses me, fulfills the need to add to the stash, without actually adding to the stash and the crushing credit card debt.  But every once in awhile -- okay, more often than not -- I hit the checkout button.  Now, if the merchant does not use Paypal, I am able to back out since I'm pretty lazy and don't want to go find the credit card.  BUT, if Paypal is an option, wham/bam/it is a sealed deal, madam!  Of course, I then had to go back to Knitspot and purchase the May patterns since I now had all this lace yarn on the way.

Now, the really sad part of this is that classes start on Monday and I am teaching sock knitting classes over the summer in addition to my Monday-Friday job (which pays for the yarn addiction) and I'm not sure exactly when I am going to have time to knit all this lace.  But at least I have it at the ready. 

I am still working on the toe up socks using the Glacier Lake pattern.  It is a great pattern and the sock is looking good.  A truly enjoyable knit and a pattern that I can do while riding the train to and from work.  My kinda happy sock pattern.

I am also still working on the Spunky Eclectic Show Your Colors Shawl.  I am doing it in Claudia Handpaints John B colorway that I bought at River Colors, but I think I am going to end up using 4 skeins instead of 3.  No worries, I took the precaution of buying 4.  Yes, this knitter has run out of yarn before running out pattern -- I just hate when that happens.

The pugs are pacing so it is potty break time.  Won't they be surprised to find out it is raining -- they hate rain.  Best go before I have "accidents" to clean up.  Have a great Saturday and happy knitting and hope you all get lots of pug kisses.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday at Last

Still no pics -- too lazy to find the camera.  Sorry!  Great arrivals in the mail today -- more sock yarn from the Loopy Ewe -- I LOVE THE LOOPY!!!  A fabulous bag from  It is a fabulous bag.  Perhaps even the bag of my dreams!!!!!!  Could I be a little obsessed with the exclamation points this evening????  Why, yes, it does seem to be out of control.  My apologies.  But this bag is to die for!!!  Trust me, it rocks.  It is the Santa Bag.  I love it.  Long strap, plenty of pockets  -- it is everything I hoped for and more.  Go, buy, you'll be happy you did.

On the knitting front, still working on the toe up sock. It is looking good and will make a photo debut soon.

The pugs are busy watching the hood -- no one is allowed to walk near the blue cottage.  Dirty job but someone has to do it.

Tomorrow I'm off to the Westside Market.  Photos may be taken.  We'll see.  Happy Friday All!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday Ponderings

This week is really flying by.  I originally titled this Tuesday Ponderings, and then realized it was Wednesday -- whoa!!!!

On the nature front, the baby robins have flown the nest.  Of course they left without saying goodbye and on a cold rainy day to boot.  I think they are still close to the blue cottage since the parents are still hanging around and acting fussy.  Sure hope the babies are all safe, warm and dry.  Once the rain stops, perhaps I'll go out and take a photo of the empty nest since I blew the chance to photograph the babies.  Got to remember to take the camera on the dog walks.  If nothing else I can amuse you with pug butt photos.

Mom is still in lots of pain.  It is going to be a long recovery I'm afraid.   It is startling how much injury occurs in a simple fall when you are 72.  Guess we are just lucky she didn't break a hip.

The knitting is slowly returning to normal.  I am still working on the top up sock -- Glacial something or other -- and it is coming along nicely.  Perhaps there will be photos tomorrow. 

Well, I'm pondered out.  Happy Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


First, something to make you smile.  On the pug front, my buddy Caryl and her 4 pugs came up from Stow and we attended the Pug Prom.  It was the best time EVER!!!!  I took Woody, who seemed to enjoy watching the youngsters rushing about.  Caryl made fabulous outfits for her posse.  Are they cute or what?????

Geez, a month since my last post.  What happened -- I forgot my password.  Yep, menopause has eaten my brain.  The ladies in the Sunday Social Knit have assured me that I will get it back some day, but I am not confident.  Sorry for the delay, yes, I have written it down in a place that I can find -- not safe, but findable by the mentally infirm.  Meh!

What have I been doing?  Knitting and ripping and knitting and ripping and. . .you get the picture.  My knitting mo jo is apparently suffering from hot flashes and memory lapses as well.  I start something and decide I don't like the yarn, the pattern, the stitch definition and out it goes.  I have started 4 socks, 3 wraps and 2 sweaters.  I currently have on my needles - one toe up sock, one shawl -- hate them both, but have decided to finish them to see if this will appease the mo jo gods and therefore release my knitting mo jo for fun and frolic in the land of fiber.

Work has been quiet yet busy.  Spring has finally hit Ohio.  The pugs and I are watching a robin's nest in the front yard.  Three babies are there and they look healthy, robust and full of spit fire.  We are enjoying watching them grow -- so fast though -- and helping the parents keep the starlings and crows away.  Ho-Tei takes this quite seriously.  He cocks his head so sweet when the robins chirp at him.  Perhaps I'll find my brain long enough to take the camera so I can get photos -- what a concept.

Mom took a bad fall over the weekend.  Broke some ribs, banged up her knee and generally knocked what little sense she had left right out of her.  I've had to be around to help her get in and out of bed, to the bathroom, etc.  Trust me, there is a reason I am not a nurse.  It will take time for her to heal, but I am hopeful that she will be more mobile soon.  

Classes start next week.  Yep, 50 year old college student, working two jobs, taking care of her mother, five dogs, 4 cats.  Who wonders why I'm single?????  Hehehehe.  No matter what, I need to get my knitting mo jo back since it is one of the few things that helps keep me centered.  Any suggestions are welcome.  I want to love my knitting again.  Sigh!