For Christmas and the day after, I did my favorite thing: holed up in the house with good books, lots of knitting and my fur babies. There was snuggling and napping and long walks through the 'hood (in my pjs, of course). In fact, if I didn't have to go to work today and tomorrow, I'd probably just stay in and continue the retreat.
I think my preference for solitude and quiet comes from being an only child. People who require lots of noise, company and action puzzle me, in much the same way my preference for solitude confounds them.
For those who bet -- I did not finish any of the last minute Christmas gifts. I warned you. But looking at the bright side, I have a head start on Christmas 2009!
There are no pictures today, but honestly, me in 3 day old pjs, bad bed hair and in desperate need of a bath just isn't a good idea. No worries -- I'm hopping into the tub and getting ready for work in a few. I'll be squeaky clean and fairly presentable in no time at all.
In the meantime: Happy Saturday. The fur babies and I send you lots of snuggles and snorts and kisses. Enjoy!