Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesdays are for Doing Good

Greetings blogosphere.  It is Wednesday and I was planning on writing about my dear neighbor, Larry, who passed away on  Sunday.  A kind, generous man, who had plenty of demons, he is already deeply missed.  For Larry, take a moment and call, hug, write, visit someone you care about but haven't had the time to call, hug, write or visit.  Do it now, because they won't be there forever and they leave much sooner than any of us can imagine.

And, on the pay it forward, random acts of kindness path, pugs in need are many.  Benny, Henry and Luna of Owned by Pugs are having a raffle to help Compassionate Pug Rescue.   In these challenging economic times, it is hard to give, but as Owned by Pugs so eloquently stated, every little bit builds to a lot.  Here in Ohio, we have Ohio Pug Rescue and so I decided to give a little bit to both.  So, for the pugs, find your local pug rescue, and if you can't donate a dollar, maybe a towel, blanket, food, treats -- anything to help these sweet pugs in need and the angels who care for them.

Make this a fabulous Wednesday -- be kind, smile, make someone feel loved.

Hugs to you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hugs to you K.
    What a wonderful post. I am so sorry for your loss of your friend.
    I am thinking of you.
