Today was grooming day at Casa de Pugs. Woody is modeling his lovely blue bandana. Not only is he handsome, but he smells great now too. He's a happy dude. All the pups had a day of beauty and look and smell amazing.
On the knitting front, the eyelet and flame chevron toe-up sock is still coming along. I discovered (don't make me relive the awful details, please) that this is not a good pattern for riding the bus. I also discovered that I am pretty good at unknitting. I could have done without that lesson, but sometimes the universe needs a good laugh at my expense. Chuckle on.
To make myself feel better, I started Cozy from Knitty in the yummy, yummy Malabrigo silky merino, only to discover yet another pattern that is not suitable for daily commute knitting. More unknitting, more universe laughing = one grumpy knitter.
So I decided to make it a perfect 3 projects I can't work on during my daily commute. Why you may ask? To thumb my nose at the universe of course! Meet the lovely Woodland Shawl started in Noro Sock Yarn. I think I may actually like it. While I adore Noro yarns, I was quite disappointed in the sock yarn for socks, but find it rather pleasing worked into a wrap. Maybe Noro should relabel it as lace weight and put all the sock knitters out of their misery of trying to love the yarn that won't be socks no matter what pattern you try, no matter how many times you rip it out and start over, no matter. . . ahem, sorry, I'm just not having a good relationship with that particular yarn being socks at this particular moment. But it is a lovely wrap.

But, while all this lace knitting is lovely and all, I still need a commute project. Meet my new plain old stockinette stitch toe-up socks in a yarn that lost its ball band and so cannot be identified. Too bad about the ball band, since the yarn is quite lovely, but such is life in the giant stash -- ball bands get lost, knitting goes on.
The house still hasn't been cleaned, but I'm starting to not care so much. It is a cold and rainy day and I need to knit. It is the only thing that will make me happy. The dust balls and laundry will still be there tomorrow, just more of them. I think I need to go start another project. Perhaps a lovely cotton short sleeved top for the upcoming summer months. Yeah, that's the ticket. Happy Saturday and Happy Knitting. Gotta go cast on. . . . . . . . .