I am loving having my weekends to do as I please. The house is cleaner (sort of), the dogs love the extra time with me and I am finally feeling rested and like I can function again. Not bad. The financial loss is a bit of an adjustment. I've had to be content with stash diving rather than yarn buying, but I have a lovely stash and really am enjoying discovering its hidden treasurers.
On a sad note, dear sweet Lotus, the Chi in the header picture passed away last Sunday. She went to sleep and never woke up. Peaceful yet baffling. We think it was an undiagnosed heart defect, but she is gone and we are all missing her feisty little self. I haven't worked up the courage to tell my mom yet. It won't be easy and right now I'm not feeling very brave.
So, there is good and there is sad -- that would be life. At least the weather is getting a bit warmer and I am enjoying knitting my socks and shawls, reading books and hanging out with the dogs. Instead of yearning for a simpler life, I think I'm actually going to work at having one.
Enjoy your Sunday. Happy knitting!